Influencer Marketing: Updated Version of the Digital Chart Regulation Published
The Italian Advertising Standards Authority (IAP) has recently released an updated version of the Digital Chart Regulation, which incorporates the latest developments in the field and insights from the technical roundtable initiated by AGCOM, as basis for the drafting of a code of conduct, which is expected to be published in early 2025.
Below is a brief summary of the updates to the Regulation:
Measures to signal the promotional nature of content must be "immediately visible, without requiring additional actions from the user" and now explicitly extend to the "tools" provided by platforms and social media.
Extending the types of content covered to include "audio" formats (e.g., podcasts) in addition to posts, videos, and expiring content.
Explicit references have been made, not only to invitations to events without a contractual relationship, but also to the enjoyment of other specific services (such as sponsored vacations, complimentary dinners, etc.).
In the case of discount codes or so-called "affiliate marketing" practices, influencers must clearly highlight, within the published content that contains the discount code or affiliate link, the promotional purpose of the content, using disclaimers such as: "affiliate link + brand" along with the labels specified in Article 1.
Regarding "self-promotions"—content related to brands and initiatives created by the influencer themselves—no disclaimers are required, as the promotional subject matter is clearly and directly attributable to the influencer.
The new text is available here.