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1 minute Martini Manna

case-law Guest User case-law Guest User

The Court of Milan states that photographs found on the web can be used freely if devoid of date and author’s name

The Court of Milan stated that so-called ‘simple’ (non-creative) photographs available and accessible on the internet, except in cases of bad faith, can be used freely and without authorisation by the people who found them, if they lack the indications prescribed by Article 90 of the Italian Copyright Law (no. 633/1941, ICL).

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case-law Elena Martini case-law Elena Martini

UPC: the Paris CD on the notion of "same parties"

The court elaborated on when two parties are to be considered the “same parties” under Article 33 UPCA, based on which, if an action for infringement between the same parties relating to the same patent has been brought before a local or a regional division, the revocation action may only be brought before the same local or regional division.

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