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1 minute Martini Manna
UPC: the Court of Appeal rules on national proceedings preventing the withdrawal of the opt-out
The Court Appeal clarified that withdrawal of the opt-out is not allowed when national proceedings were commenced during the transitional period. Instead, proceedings commenced before the transitional period cannot affect the withdrawal.
The Court of Milan states that photographs found on the web can be used freely if devoid of date and author’s name
The Court of Milan stated that so-called ‘simple’ (non-creative) photographs available and accessible on the internet, except in cases of bad faith, can be used freely and without authorisation by the people who found them, if they lack the indications prescribed by Article 90 of the Italian Copyright Law (no. 633/1941, ICL).
The ECJ rules on the criterion of material reciprocity pursuant to Art. 2(7) of the Berne Convention
The Court clarified that, pursuant to Directive 2001/29/EC, Member States cannot apply the criterion of material reciprocity (Art. 2(7) of the Berne Convention) to works of applied art from third countries.
UPC: the first main action decision of the Milan LD
The Court declared the infringement, enjoined the defendant from any further marketing of infringing machinery, setting a penalty of €12,000 for any further infringement, and ordered an interim award of damages in the amount of €15,000.
UPC: the Munich CD revokes EP2794928 in NanoString v Harward
The decision elaborates on the need to dismiss or stay the case due to the pending of parallel proceedings between affiliated companies and provides a summary of the criteria to be followed in interpreting claims and assessing novelty and inventive steps.
UPC: the Milan CD on the right to intervene in preliminary proceedings
The Court highlighted that intervention in interim proceedings is exceptional and can only be granted in presence of a legal interest of the intervener. Menarini instead had a mere de facto interest in boostering parallel proceedings in which it was a party. Its application was therefore dismissed.
Collective trademarks including protected designations of origin: the case of "Chianti Gran Selezione"
On 26 July 2024, the Second Board of Appeal of the EUIPO rejected the appeal filed by Consorzio Vino Chianti against the refusal to register EU collective trademark no. 018441418 for lack of distinctiveness pursuant to Article 7(1)(b) EUTMR and Article 76(1) EUTMR.
UPC: the Düsseldorf LD on the concept of “imminent infringement”
The Court held that the declared intention to launch a biosimilar drug and the obtaining of the related Marketing Authorization did not constitute an "imminent infringement" of the patent on the originator drug. Therefore, the requested interim injunction was not granted.
UPC Paris LD issues merits decision on infringement and revocation in DexCom v. Abbott
The decision was issued in 12 months and revoked the DexCom patent, dismissing its infringement claim. The decision is now effective in the 17 EU Member States that have ratified the UPC Agreement; it may however be appealed.
The Italian Supreme Court rules on the copyright protection of a work included in an exhibition stand (and on the consequences of Cofemel)
The Court confirmed the judgment of the Milan Court of Appeal, which denied copyright protection to the lamp pictured on the left, in respect of the one on the right. It also mentions Cofemel and the need to disapply the artistic value requirement.
The Court of Milan rules on compensation for damages from design infringement
The court found for design infringement and calculated damages based on the profits lost due to the infringers’ commercialisation, thus applying one of the criteria established by art. 125 Italian IP Code for damage calculation.
The Turin Court rules on packaging imitation
The court found that the ZzzQuil packaging is distinctive and that competitor’s product illicitly imitate it, as incorporates all its identifying elements.
‘GENQUILA’, TEQUILA and the scope of ‘evocation’ according to the EUIPO
The EUIPO found that a trademark application for the sign ‘DUTCH GENQUILA’ should be rejected for all alcoholic beverages including wines as it evoked the PGI ‘TEQUILA’
The EUIPO upholds PRIO DONNAFUGATA's opposition against SPRIO SPRITZ's application for registration
The EUIPO recently upheld Opposition B 3142350 against the EU word trademark application no. 018334069 “SPRIO SPRITZ”, based on the Italian word trademark “PRIO DONNAFUGATA”, filed against goods in Class 33.
UPC Court of Appeal lifts preliminary injunction in Genomics vs NanoString
By the order under discussion, the CoA overturned this decision finding that, contrary to the judgement of the CFI, the validity of the patent at issue was not established with a sufficient degree of certainty for the injunction to be issued.
Car Manufacturers’ Trademarks and Car Parts – The CJEU Does Not Change Its Mind
EU Court of Justice rules on use of trademarks on non-OEM spare parts
The protection of minors as recipients of advertising communications
The Italian Institute of Advertising Self-Regulation Jury has ruled on the lawfulness of a recent Vodafone commercial dedicated to the purchase of smartphones in installments, in relation to the role of minors in advertising.
UPC: the Court of Appeal can decide without technically qualified judges
The Court of Appeal (CoA) of the UPC stated that, in proceedings that do not involve technical issues, the Court of Appeal can decide without technically qualified judges.
UPC: the Paris CD on the notion of "same parties"
The court elaborated on when two parties are to be considered the “same parties” under Article 33 UPCA, based on which, if an action for infringement between the same parties relating to the same patent has been brought before a local or a regional division, the revocation action may only be brought before the same local or regional division.
The EUIPO Board of Appeal invalidates the Rubik's Cube 3D trademark
In agreement with the Cancellation Division, the BoA considered that the contested trademark was registered in breach of Art. 7(1)(e)(ii) of EU Regulation no. 207/2009 as it consists exclusively of a shape that is necessary in order to obtain a technical result.