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1 minute Martini Manna
The Italian Supreme Court rules on the copyright protection of a work included in an exhibition stand (and on the consequences of Cofemel)
The Court confirmed the judgment of the Milan Court of Appeal, which denied copyright protection to the lamp pictured on the left, in respect of the one on the right. It also mentions Cofemel and the need to disapply the artistic value requirement.
The Court of Milan rules on compensation for damages from design infringement
The court found for design infringement and calculated damages based on the profits lost due to the infringers’ commercialisation, thus applying one of the criteria established by art. 125 Italian IP Code for damage calculation.
The Venice Court of Appeal protects Stroili Oro Jewellery against counterfeiting and acts of unfair competition
The Court upheld the claims of the well-known jewellery manufacturing company Stroili Oro against counterfeiting acts, parasitic competition and slavish imitation of two competitors.